How to Get Advice from Your Future Self and Reach Your Goals

You can move towards your goals when you have clarity about where you're going and why. One of the beautiful things we're currently doing in our IHR meditation class is working on this concept of bringing in your goals through awareness. So, do you know where you are at right now? How clear are you about where you're going? And what if you had absolute confidence about the steps needed to get there?

You have more than one way to peel this particular orange. For instance, you can visualise where you want to go. Or you can bring in the beautiful energy of the state you want to be in and pretend you're already in it.

You can also access this concept of allowing your future self to guide you. What does that mean? Well, when you get a crystal-clear picture about where you want to go and can visualise it, you can visualise a part of you that is already in the future.

Bring that future self into your imagination, into your awareness, and ask them for advice. If this sounds simple, it’s because it is.

Back to the future

Get a strong visualisation of your future self. Understand how different your future self is from who you are right now.

When you do this, you can energetically embody the shifts your future self has taken to get there.

It's powerful and perfect. It's almost like a cheat sheet on how to reach your goals. When you can understand and connect with that part of you, then you can ask it questions such as:

“What do I do now?”

You can imagine yourself as that future self and ask yourself:

“As person who has achieved [insert your goal], what’s my next step?”

You'll start to get incredibly clear answers. You may get:

  • A visualisation you have to expand upon and explore

  • A clear action item

  • Even a slightly wrong direction (“How about we head this way?”)

Every time you get that advice from your future self, pay attention to how you feel about it.

It might be:

Ooooh, that's a bit of fear. I need to step through my fear space.


“Ooooh, wow, that's tough. I don't really want to do it.”


“Yes, that sounds absolutely perfect. I'm definitely going to do that.”

None of the advice should ever feel wrong. It should always feel right, like a deep knowing inside you.

You may react to the advice you get with:

“Ah, yes, I already knew that. Thank you.”


“Oh, I thought I might have to do that. I don't really want to.”

These don’t mean you’re heading in the wrong direction. They are all signs you probably should be heading in that direction, but you might have a block or a fear in your way. This is normal.

No goal comes without a couple of stumbling blocks

Blocks are OK. They are your subconscious mind trying to keep you safe and away from the discomfort of change. However, to get to your goal, you have to shift through these little blocks so that you can get to the place you've always dreamed of, or on to the next step in your life.

The exciting part about this is you can do it with a lot less friction and a lot fewer blockages if you bring your future self in and ask for advice. Allow your future self’s energy to come through your body and help you feel amazing about achieving your goal.

I hope this is helpful. If you want to get tips every week, jump onto my Kate Connolly Intuitive Facebook page. I'm on there between 6:45 and 7:00 every Wednesday morning, Sydney, Australia time.

Take care and have a wonderful week.


How to Help Your Intuition Steer You in the Right Direction