How to Help Your Intuition Steer You in the Right Direction

Did you know you can learn how to make decisions without second guessing yourself just by tuning into your intuition? I’m sure you’ve heard about this before, but it’s not always as super-straightforward as you may think. Often, we overcomplicate it with our minds which I've written about in my recently released book. So, how can you use your intuition to get where you want to go?

Using our intuition, we can either jump and see where we end up, or we can make informed decisions with direction and awareness. Mike Dooley talks about this a lot with manifesting. He talks about manifesting with intention, having an awareness about where you want to go, using your emotions to get there, and taking baby steps to reach that destination.

Using your intuition to reach where you want to go is a similar process. In our meditation class this week, we even worked through an example of how to get from where we are now to where we want to go without making it too complicated.

Start with a star chart

If you've got an issue you want to shift, or a challenge you want to address differently, get real with it first. Look at the situation with this issue as it is right now.

If this is too much to handle, or you're not sure what your direction is, get started with something small and easy. It could be as simple as what lipstick you wear, what colour your hair is, or what you eat for breakfast.

Create a star chart by writing down on a blank piece of paper the subject you’re addressing, for instance, lipstick, or breakfast. If you’re up to it, you can leap ahead and write down something big like your job, relationship, or health.

Around that central topic, sketch lines radiating out like a starburst. Those lines reach out to practical facts about your current situation. For example, “I have red and brown lipstick”. “I don't like these lipsticks.” “I'm not sure the colours suit me.” “I’m not sure they make me feel great.” Write these words around that central hub.

Put down words that capture where you're currently at with this part of your life. If this is new to you, start with something super-small that's not going be taxing on your intuition. If you don't know where you're going with something big, it’s good to practice with something small first. Write down the practicalities of the situation and how you feel about it energetically.

For instance, “I feel that two lipsticks are way too many / way too little”, or “Lipstick makes me feel incredible, but I don't know how to use it” or whatever it might be.

Write this all down for the subject you're thinking of. Great! You've finished a star chart. Give yourself a moment to feel OK. Acknowledge and accept where you are at with this.

It doesn't have to be pretty. It doesn't have to be perfect, and it doesn't have to feel good. Typically, if we're some way away from where we want to be, we're going to feel uncomfortable. That is perfect because it gives you a starting point. At least you know where you're at.

As with anything in life, if you have a goal that's some distance away, you've got to be aware of where you are in the first place in real and practical terms, and in emotional terms.

Now consider your ideal outcome

The next step is to ask, “Where do I want to be from here? What do I want to achieve?”

Again, if you find it hard to get clear about this, start with something very small. Create another star chart with what you desire at the centre of it. For instance, with lipstick I've always wanted to “check out a pearly coral colour of lipstick”.  I could make that the topic of my new star chart. It could be “I want to own 10 lipsticks”, or “I want to have make-up classes on how to make my lipstick look amazing”, or whatever your end goal is.

The make-up classes might even be a step towards an end goal of having 10 shades of lipstick. What are some other details around your end goal?

“I feel amazing in my lipsticks.”

“I change them every day.”

“I always look great.”

“I have a beautiful little stand with all my lipsticks in it.”

Write these all down on the lines radiating out from where you want to be, that ideal place you want to end up. Write down what you want to achieve or where you want to go.

This is an amazing start to awareness of your life.

Start super-small and remember, this is not a self-bashing exercise. Fully accept where you're at and get real and aware. Give yourself a moment to ask, “How far away am I from my goal? Is it one step? Is it 35 steps? How far apart from each other are these steps?”

Once you get an awareness of these steps, you have a powerful tool. Because when you want to use your intuition / guidance system / heart space to get where you want to go, you now have a destination. Your destination is super-important.

If you use your intuition without a goal, without awareness, or without even a vague idea about where you want to be, you're driving around with no idea where you're going to end up.

Having that goal, awareness, and vision is powerful, because your intuition now has something it can pinpoint to.

“Where do I want to go? I want to go over there.”

“Does that feel right? Am I heading in the right direction? You know what, my gut doesn't want 10 lipsticks, it wants 23 lipsticks. I'm going to change my goal and I'm going to write 23. Great, that feels amazing.”

“OK, what am I going to do next? Where is my next step from where I am now to get to where I'm going?”

The universe has your back, too, you know

Each time, check in with your intuition. It's going to give you guidance. The universe will also jump in and help you, if you've genuinely followed your gut on this, to get from one step to the next step to the next step all the way to where you're headed. When you have this clarity, this is a game changer. You can have these amazing synchronicities and helpful energies from the universe to get you from one place to the other.

This is where we co-create our reality. If we have this awareness, this intuitive ‘aha’ around where we're headed, and we can allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition and our gut to get there, then we're already halfway there. It's a powerful tool.

From the smallest wants to the biggest goals, star charts give you a good ability to get guidance and clarity about where you want to head. They help you get creative about where you're going in your life. If you haven't done this process with big areas, start with super-small items.

If you're struggling with clarity, make it even smaller because clarity is an exercise. It's something you must strengthen like a muscle. If you're not used to getting clarity on small things, it's going to be hard to get clarity on big things.

And yes, you can leap without that clarity. Sometimes you do just have to follow your nose and take one step, then the next step, then the next step. That's OK, too.

However, awareness of your end goal gives you a powerful focus. And don't forget, that end goal can change and move. Ultimately, it's the feeling you get when you feel into that end goal, when you visualise it, and when you know it.

“Oh, my goodness, 23 lipsticks. It makes my heart sing! My whole life is expanding into something new!”

That's the feeling you want to chase. And when you get there, you might have 35 lipsticks. You might have 123 lipsticks. You might have 15 lipsticks.

The expansion, the awareness that this exactly where you want to be is what you're going for. That is the end energy you're trying to achieve. Each intuitive step along the way is guided by your knowing and aided by the universe.

Have a wonderful week.


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